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Festival For The Future

Festival For The Future is "New Zealand's event to celebrate youth-led Kiwi innovation and support the next generation to spark and grow ideas for a better world”. This is the fourth year the festival has run, and the first time it has been held in Auckland. 400 movers and shakers attended - mostly young people - and heaps of amazing speakers of all ages talked about their passion and experience in creating positive impact.

innovate change was extremely pleased to hold social innovation workshops throughout the weekend, and fulfill on our commitment and excitement to bridge the gap between:

  • the young generations of visionaries and changemakers, and
  • the organisations in a position of power and mandate to effect social change.

fftf14_groups We ran the workshops in partnership with two such organizations, and participants not only learned social innovation skills and thinking but also contributed significantly to live projects with real social outcomes.

The Workshops
fftf14_prototyping In partnership with the New Zealand Drug Foundation we ran prototyping workshops as part of a project to innovate the delivery of drug information to reduce drug related harm.
From previous workshops we had a short list of high impact target audiences for drug information, and during the Festival about 75 people designed ways to deliver drug information effectively to these target audiences. These designs are being brought through to the next steps in the innovation process for this project.

fftf14_idea_generation In partnership with Te Punanga Haumaru and the Ministry of Social Development , we held idea generation workshops focused around reducing bullying of children and young people. We had about 100 young people brainstorming and analyzing ideas that TPH and the Ministry will now draw on to decide how to focus their resources.

It was inspirational to see the energy, creativity, vision and dedication to making a better world demonstrated by everyone we shared the Festival weekend with. This was an incredible event and we can't wait until next year!

“I just want to say a huge thank you
to you and the team at innovate change... your work is so inspiring and
the practical skills I have learned from the three workshops have been
incredibly helpful... thought I would share with you that my office door is now
covered in post it notes”
~Emma Wicks, workshop participant
