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our models

Social Innovation

Social innovation is the process of designing, developing and growing new ideas, products, services, strategies and organisations that work to address pressing unmet social needs.

Service Design

Service design puts the needs of clients, patients or customers at the heart of the matter. By using service design methodology, the services and programmes we are part of helping plan and design are more likely to be user-friendly and accessible to target audiences or client groups. We know that to do this well we need to understand the people you work with and for, and we're all about using creative ways to connect with your people so we can hear their insights and ensure their experiences are reflected in the new or revised service or programme.


We are committed to co-design as a way of developing useful and innovative services and programmes for social good. Co-design is about capturing different perspectives, insights and experiences and working together towards better solutions using innovative and creative techniques. Co-design does not rely on focus groups, expert panels, surveys or expert consultants. It facilitates the participation and conversation between users and potential users to create the best services and programmes, leading to high levels of ownership and use of the new product, service or programme. This in turn positively affects the sustainability of the new product, service or programme.

Design Thinking

Design thinking is a particular way of creatively and collaboratively solving problems and generating innovation. Using design thinking in our work means applying design-led processes and methods, which combine empathy, creativity and rationality to come up with meaningful solutions and promising ideas in all kinds of contexts.