Study finds GAMSTOP self-exclusion tool effective for gambling control

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A recent Ipsos study has unveiled that an impressive 78% of GAMSTOP users report being satisfied with the results of the self-exclusion service. This high level of user satisfaction underscores the effectiveness and reliability of GAMSTOP as a vital tool for individuals seeking to control their gambling habits.

Furthermore, the study highlights that 80% of users would willingly recommend the GAMSTOP service to others facing similar challenges. These high recommendation rates further cement GAMSTOP’s reputation as a trusted and valuable resource in the gambling community.

Impact of gamstop: transforming gambling safety

GAMSTOP, the UK self-exclusion scheme, has made a significant impact on gambling behaviors. Recent statistics show that 85% of registered users are no longer actively gambling.

Furthermore, 72% of those who have utilized the service report feeling safer from gambling-related harm. These impressive results highlight GAMSTOP’s critical role in promoting responsible gambling and providing much-needed relief to vulnerable players.

As awareness and participation in GAMSTOP grow, it stands as a valuable tool in the ongoing effort to mitigate gambling addiction and its associated risks.

Records highest number of new registrations in 2023

In a significant milestone, GAMSTOP, the leading self-exclusion scheme for online gambling in the UK, has surpassed 500,000 registrations. The initiative has seen an unprecedented surge in new users in 2023, marking it as the highest on record.

GAMSTOP’s Chief Executive revealed that the increasing number of registrants is indicative of the public’s growing awareness of responsible gambling. The service, which empowers individuals to prevent themselves from engaging in online gambling, has been pivotal in promoting safer gambling practices.

Key statistics:

Year Registrations
2020 100,000
2021 200,000
2022 300,000
2023 500,000

As awareness continues to grow, GAMSTOP aims to reach more individuals seeking assistance in managing their gambling habits.

User motivations for GAMSTOP registration

Understanding the key motivations for users registering with GAMSTOP is vital for curbing gambling addiction. Many users seek control over impulsive behaviors, escape immediate risks, and aim for a healthier lifestyle.

Success rates linked to longer exclusion periods

Research indicates higher success rates are linked to longer exclusion periods. Users opting for extended exclusions are more likely to maintain abstinence from online gambling, reflecting the effectiveness of prolonged self-exclusion.

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Dawson Bennett is a seasoned journalist with over a decade of experience covering the casino and sports industries. His extensive knowledge of these sectors makes him a trusted expert for readers seeking advice and insights. Whether you're looking for the latest developments in the sports or gambling world, Dawson provides valuable guidance to help you make informed decisions. He offers tips on selecting high-quality casinos and stays on top of trends and events in the sports industry, ensuring you have the best possible experience.
  • As someone who has witnessed the devastating effects of gambling addiction firsthand, I’m extremely heartened by the positive impact of GAMSTOP. It’s reassuring to know that such a significant number of users have successfully managed to curb their gambling habits and feel safer. The high satisfaction and recommendation rates are a testament to GAMSTOP’s effectiveness. This is a crucial step towards promoting responsible gambling and protecting vulnerable individuals.

  • This is fantastic news! It’s heartening to see such positive outcomes from GAMSTOP users, showing that it’s a truly valuable service for those looking to manage their gambling habits. The high satisfaction and recommendation rates, along with the significant impact on reducing gambling activities, illustrate the importance of accessible self-exclusion tools. It’s clear that GAMSTOP is making a real difference in the lives of many, providing a lifeline to those who need it the most. Keep up the great work!

  • The results from the Ipsos study truly highlight the effectiveness of GAMSTOP in aiding those struggling with gambling habits. It’s heartening to see such a high satisfaction rate among users and the significant impact it’s making towards promoting responsible gambling. The surge in registrations this year alone is a testament to the trust and value people place in this service.

  • The success and satisfaction rates among GAMSTOP users are genuinely impressive. It’s heartening to see such a positive impact on individuals seeking to manage their gambling habits. This service is evidently a crucial component in promoting responsible gambling and safeguarding vulnerable users.

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