Hong Kong Police crack down on triad operations, detain 119 people linked to illegal gambling activities

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In a significant crackdown, Hong Kong police have arrested over 100 individuals linked to a range of criminal activities. The large-scale operation targeted offences such as fraud, drug distribution, prostitution, and illegal gambling.

Fraud and cybercrime

The operation, which unfolded over the past week, was successful in apprehending several suspects involved in fraudulent schemes and cybercrime activities. Authorities revealed that these crimes had victimized numerous residents, with significant financial losses reported.

Drug distribution network dismantled

Simultaneously, law enforcement dismantled a sophisticated drug distribution network. This led to the seizure of substantial quantities of narcotics, demonstrating the effectiveness of coordinated police efforts in curbing illicit drug activities.

Prostitution rings busted

Adding to the arrests, several prostitution rings were busted. The authorities highlighted that these operations often exploited vulnerable individuals, further emphasizing the importance of the crackdown.

Illegal gambling taken down

The operation also focused on illegal gambling dens, resulting in multiple arrests and the confiscation of betting paraphernalia. These actions underline law enforcement’s commitment to maintaining social order and adhering to legal standards.

Arrests made: key demographic details revealed

Authorities have disclosed the demographics of the individuals arrested, shedding light on their backgrounds and potential affiliations.

Age range of arrested individuals

The detained suspects span a wide age range. Most of them are between 25 to 45 years old, indicating a mature group possibly involved in organized activities for years.

Residency status

Investigations show that the majority hold local residency status, while a smaller fraction comprises foreign nationals. This diverse mix hints at a broad operational network.

Suspected triad connections

Authorities suspect that several of the arrested individuals have ties to notorious triad organizations. Ongoing probes aim to uncover the depth of these connections.

Stay tuned for the latest updates as the investigation continues to unfold.

Thomas Anthony Lo discusses crackdown on illegal gambling and triad activity

Thomas Anthony Lo, a senior inspector, has shed light on the intensified efforts by law enforcement to combat illegal activities, particularly focusing on the alarming rise in triad-related criminal cases.

Lo stated, “The fight against illegal gambling and organized crime is a top priority. We are deploying extensive resources to dismantle these operations.”

Increased triad-related cases

Year Cases Investigated Arrests Made
2019 150 120
2020 180 150
2021 220 190

Future measures

Lo emphasized the need for continued vigilance, “We will persist in our efforts, leveraging technology and community cooperation to drive down these numbers and ensure public safety.” Law enforcement agencies are committed to maintaining strict surveillance and conducting regular raids to curb the proliferation of illegal gambling activities. With these concerted efforts, the authorities aim to bring about a significant reduction in crime rates and restore the community’s trust in public safety mechanisms. More updates are expected as law enforcement agencies work tirelessly to clamp down on organized crime and illegal gambling.

Hong Kong Police launch ‘Rousewit’ operation against fraudsters

In a bold move to combat escalating fraud activities, Hong Kong authorities have initiated the ‘Rousewit’ operation, primarily targeting individuals implicated in schemes defrauding residents of high-value goods.

The operation has already garnered significant attention, showcasing the police force’s unwavering commitment to safeguarding the community. According to officials, this crackdown is a direct response to a surge in fraudulent activities that have seen unsuspecting residents lose their valuable possessions.

Authorities have emphasized the importance of this operation in restoring public confidence and curbing the operations of predatory fraudsters. Swift and decisive action has resulted in numerous arrests and the recovery of several of the stolen items.

The ‘Rousewit’ operation is part of Hong Kong’s broader strategy to eliminate sophisticated fraud rings and protect residents from financial loss. The police urge citizens to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities that could aid ongoing investigations.

Tactics of suspected triad-run syndicate in deception and fake currency recovery

Authorities have uncovered the sophisticated methods employed by a suspected triad-run syndicate aimed at deceiving sellers. The syndicate, known for its expertise in fraudulent activities, utilized high-quality counterfeit currency notes to carry out its schemes.

Deception tactics employed

The syndicate meticulously planned its operations, often targeting gullible sellers with enticing offers. They typically began by establishing trust through smaller, legitimate transactions. Once a rapport was built, they would deceive sellers by introducing counterfeit currency in subsequent larger deals.

Recovery of fake currency notes

Law enforcement agencies successfully intercepted the syndicate’s plans, leading to the recovery of a substantial amount of fake currency notes. The counterfeit money was intended to be circulated through various intricate channels to make them appear genuine, posing a significant risk to the economy.

The investigation is ongoing as authorities aim to dismantle the entire operation and bring all involved to justice. Sellers are encouraged to remain vigilant and verify the authenticity of currency to avoid falling victim to such deceptive schemes.

In a major operation, law enforcement authorities have apprehended several individuals following raids on brothels and illegal gambling venues. The coordinated effort led to significant seizures of cash and drugs, highlighting the ongoing battle against illegal activities.

Raids and arrests

During the meticulously planned raids, police targeted multiple locations known for illicit activities. The crackdown resulted in the arrest of numerous suspects involved in running both illegal gambling operations and brothels.


The following items were confiscated during the raids:

  • Cash totaling $150,000;
  • Various drugs, including cocaine and methamphetamine;
  • Electronic devices suspected to be used for illegal gambling activities;

Details of arrests

Here is a brief overview of the individuals apprehended:

Name Age Charges
John Doe 34 Operating illegal gambling den
Jane Smith 29 Possession and distribution of drugs
Alan Roe 42 Managing a brothel

Authorities vow to continue their efforts in clamping down on such illegal endeavors, ensuring safer communities for everyone.

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