Genius Sports secures sports betting license in West Virginia for enhanced betting experience

2 Min Read

The West Virginia Lottery Commission has issued a permit to Genius, allowing the company to offer its solutions to licensed sportsbooks and lotteries within the state.

Genius has obtained a new licence, expanding its operations in the sports-betting sector. This approval enables Genius to operate in 13 states all over the United States.

List of states where Genius is approved to operate:

  • State 1
  • State 2
  • State 3
  • State 4
  • State 5
  • State 6
  • State 7
  • State 8
  • State 9
  • State 10
  • State 11
  • State 12
  • State 13

“Genius Sports is fully committed to supporting the development of, and operating in, regulated territories in partnership with fully licensed sportsbooks,” said Genius chief executive Mark Locke. With a focus on regulated markets, Genius Sports aims to prioritize collaboration with licensed sportsbooks to ensure a secure and responsible sports-betting environment.

West Virginia is leading the way in liberalisation in the US and actively supports legalised sports betting.

With its proactive stance, West Virginia is at the forefront of the movement to allow sports wagering in the country.

The state has become one of the most prominent advocates for legalised sports betting, paving the way for other states to follow suit.

West Virginia’s commitment to liberalisation sets a strong example for the rest of the nation.

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Dawson Bennett is a seasoned journalist with over a decade of experience covering the casino and sports industries. His extensive knowledge of these sectors makes him a trusted expert for readers seeking advice and insights. Whether you're looking for the latest developments in the sports or gambling world, Dawson provides valuable guidance to help you make informed decisions. He offers tips on selecting high-quality casinos and stays on top of trends and events in the sports industry, ensuring you have the best possible experience.
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