Research: Problem gambling may be increasing among monthly gamblers in Massachusetts

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A recent series of online surveys conducted by the University of Massachusetts Amherst suggests a concerning rise in problem gambling among monthly gamblers in Massachusetts. The surveys, which took place in 2014, 2022, and 2023, reveal not only an increase in gambling intensity and associated harms but also a shift toward more negative attitudes about gambling.

While these surveys are not representative of the entire population, they offer valuable insights into the behaviors and perceptions of regular gamblers—those who gamble monthly or more frequently. The Social and Economic Impacts of Gambling in Massachusetts (SEIGMA) research team, led by gambling behavior expert Rachel Volberg, uses this data to track changes over time among this specific group.

The latest Massachusetts problem gambling research

Volberg, the principal investigator of SEIGMA and a research professor of epidemiology at UMass Amherst’s School of Public Health and Health Sciences, presented the findings to the Massachusetts Gaming Commission on August 29. According to the data, the percentage of monthly gamblers experiencing gambling problems has surged from 12.7% in 2014 to 20.9% in 2022, and further to 25.6% in 2023. In stark contrast, the prevalence of problem gambling in the general population has remained steady at around 2%, both before and after the introduction of casinos in Massachusetts.

“It’s pretty startling, to be honest,” Volberg remarked. “While the online panels were not representative of the population, they were very informative regarding people with gambling difficulties. It’s very helpful from a surveillance and monitoring perspective.”

The surveys also noted an increase in various forms of gambling among monthly gamblers, including lottery games, sports betting, private wagering, horse racing, bingo, and online gambling. Volberg suggests that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which initially suppressed gambling activities, may be diminishing. Interestingly, it appears that the pandemic affected recreational gamblers more than those at risk of developing gambling problems.

A notable shift in gambling patterns

The 2023 survey, conducted shortly after sports betting became fully operational, showed a significant drop in the percentage of monthly gamblers who had not participated in sports betting over the previous 12 months—from 78.2% in 2014 to 45.7% in 2023. Furthermore, 28.3% of monthly gamblers reported betting on sports at least weekly in 2023, compared to 18.8% in 2022 and just 7% in 2013.

Volberg hypothesizes that the surge in sports betting may be partly due to the extensive advertising and media coverage surrounding its legalization. “I think it has led people who are already vulnerable to engage or re-engage with this particular type of gambling that’s now getting lots of media attention,” she said.

The surveys also highlighted a shift in attitudes among monthly gamblers. There was an increase in the proportion of gamblers who believe that the harms of gambling outweigh the benefits and that gambling addiction is the most significant negative impact of casinos. Conversely, there was a decline in those who view employment as the most important positive impact of casinos and who support the legalization of all types of gambling.

“Based on the general population survey conducted in 2021, I didn’t expect that we would see a big change in attitudes toward gambling, but we do seem to be seeing that, especially among the people betting on sports,” Volberg noted.

While the online surveys are not fully representative of the broader population, Volberg believes the trends observed among monthly gamblers are likely indicative of broader shifts in gambling behavior across the state. “I think it’s definitely a cause for concern about what the population impacts of sports betting are going to be, because these indicators from the monthly gamblers in the online panel are not going in a direction that says there’s going to be less gambling harm in Massachusetts in the future,” she concluded.

In light of these findings, there is a growing need for continued monitoring and intervention strategies to address the increasing risks associated with gambling in Massachusetts. The potential for greater gambling-related harm, particularly in the context of sports betting, underscores the importance of public health initiatives and policies designed to mitigate these risks.

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