Research: Impact of celebrity involvement in gambling ads on teens and young adults

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The gambling industry has increasingly leveraged celebrities and social media influencers (SMIs) to market their products, aiming to attract a broader audience, including young people. This strategy has raised concerns among researchers, policymakers, and public health advocates due to its significant impact on the attitudes, risk perceptions, and behaviors of teens and young adults. The widespread use of high-profile figures in gambling advertisements has led to a shift in how young people perceive gambling, often glamorizing it and reducing the perceived risks associated with it.

This research article delves into the influence of celebrity and SMI involvement in gambling advertisements on teens and young adults. By analyzing recent studies and exploring the psychological mechanisms behind these marketing strategies, this article seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the issue and offer recommendations for mitigating the potential harm to vulnerable populations.

The influence of celebrity endorsements on youth perceptions

A study funded by the Australian Research Council, conducted by researchers from Deakin, Wollongong, and Curtin universities, highlights the growing impact of celebrity and SMI endorsements in gambling promotions. The research emphasizes that while there is ample evidence suggesting that such marketing tactics can shape young people’s attitudes towards harmful products, including gambling, there is still a lack of understanding regarding the specific impact of these endorsements on gambling behaviors.

To address this gap, the researchers conducted a qualitative study involving 22 focus groups with 64 participants aged between 12 and 17 in Australia. The study aimed to explore young people’s exposure to celebrity and SMI marketing for gambling and the perceived influence of this marketing on their attitudes toward gambling. The findings revealed that the use of celebrities and SMIs in gambling advertisements significantly enhanced the appeal and recall of these ads among young people. This heightened appeal was attributed to the attention-grabbing nature and familiarity of the endorsers.

Key themes identified

Through reflexive thematic analysis, the study identified four key themes that underscore the impact of celebrity and SMI involvement in gambling marketing on young people:

  1. Increased appeal and recall: Participants noted that celebrities and SMIs made gambling advertisements more appealing and memorable. The recognition of familiar faces in these ads often led to increased attention and engagement.
  2. Enhanced trust and legitimacy: The involvement of well-known figures in gambling promotions was perceived as lending credibility to the products being advertised. This sense of trust and legitimacy contributed to the social acceptance of gambling among young audiences.
  3. Lowered perception of risk: The association of gambling with celebrities and SMIs appeared to reduce the perceived risks of gambling among young people. The glamorization of gambling by these influencers often overshadowed the potential negative consequences.
  4. Suggested mitigation measures: Participants proposed several measures to counter the influence of celebrity and SMI endorsements in gambling advertisements. These included implementing stricter regulations, banning certain types of endorsements, and promoting public education campaigns.

Case studies: the role of sports celebrities

The study provided examples of how sports celebrities are used to promote gambling, which has particularly strong resonance among young people. For instance, gambling advertisements featuring former NBA star Shaquille O’Neal and ex-Australian Football League players were recalled by participants as being associated with specific sporting events. These endorsements were seen as particularly persuasive due to the athletes’ perceived knowledge and authority in sports.

In 2022, O’Neal, along with Australian content creators from “The Inspired Unemployed,” participated in a TV ad campaign for PointsBet Australia. The credibility that O’Neal brought to the campaign as a respected sports figure was noted by young people, further highlighting the power of celebrity endorsements in legitimizing gambling activities.

Ethical concerns and the normalization of gambling

The reliance on celebrity and SMI endorsements in gambling advertisements raises significant ethical concerns, particularly regarding the normalization of gambling among young audiences. The implicit message conveyed through these endorsements, wherein celebrities appear to endorse gambling products by association, may inadvertently encourage gambling behaviors among impressionable youth. This concern is compounded by the fact that many gambling promotions focus on the potential rewards while downplaying the risks, creating an unrealistic view of gambling outcomes.

Young people in the study reported that advertisements featuring celebrities often portrayed gambling in a positive light, with little emphasis on the possibility of losses. This one-sided portrayal contributes to a distorted understanding of gambling, which can lead to problematic behaviors, including addiction.

Regulatory measures and public education

In response to the growing concerns about the impact of gambling marketing on young people, several countries have implemented stricter regulations. For example, Australia introduced guidelines in February 2021 requiring SMIs to clearly disclose their relationships with brands in sponsored posts. Similarly, the UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) has mandated that any influencer endorsement in gambling advertisements must be accompanied by a statement identifying the commercial relationship between the advertiser and the influencer.

In addition to regulatory measures, the study advocates for comprehensive public education campaigns aimed at curbing the accessibility and appeal of gambling to young people. These campaigns should focus on raising awareness about the risks associated with gambling and promoting responsible behaviors. The urgency of this issue cannot be overstated, as the prevalence of gambling among young people continues to rise, with significant implications for their mental health and well-being.

The broader context: adolescent gambling and addiction

The issue of adolescent gambling is a growing concern. A study conducted by UNICEF in partnership with the Gambling Research and Ludomania Prevention Center surveyed 1,000 adolescents aged 14-17 to understand their gambling behaviors. The findings revealed that a significant proportion of adolescents had engaged in gambling, with many starting at a young age. The study also highlighted the influence of social and environmental factors, such as peer pressure and family involvement, in initiating gambling behaviors.

The study found that the level of awareness among adolescents about the risks associated with gambling and gambling addiction is alarmingly low. Many young people do not discuss gambling with their parents, and a significant number reported that they would not seek help if they became addicted, choosing instead to handle the problem on their own. This lack of communication and support underscores the need for targeted interventions aimed at both young people and their support networks.

The rise of sports betting and its impact on young gamblers

The legalization and rapid expansion of sports betting, particularly in the United States, have further exacerbated the risks associated with gambling among young people. The ease of access to mobile betting apps and the widespread promotion of sports betting have made gambling more accessible and socially acceptable than ever before. Research shows that the earlier an individual is exposed to gambling, the more likely they are to develop problematic gambling behaviors later in life.

The normalization of sports betting, coupled with the involvement of celebrities and SMIs in promoting these activities, presents a significant challenge for public health. The developing brains of teens and young adults are particularly vulnerable to the allure of gambling, as they are more likely to make impulsive decisions without fully understanding the risks involved.

Conclusion and recommendations

The impact of celebrity involvement in gambling advertisements on teens and young adults is a complex and multifaceted issue. The use of high-profile figures in promoting gambling products not only enhances the appeal of these activities but also contributes to a distorted perception of their risks. As a result, young people are increasingly exposed to gambling in ways that can lead to addiction and other harmful behaviors.

To address this issue, a multi-pronged approach is necessary. This should include stricter regulations on gambling advertisements, particularly those involving celebrities and SMIs, as well as comprehensive public education campaigns that target both young people and their support networks. Policymakers, educators, and public health advocates must work together to create a safer environment for the next generation, protecting them from the potential harms of gambling and promoting healthier, more informed choices.

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