Michigan Gaming Control Board defends efforts to protect citizens and crack down on illegal gambling activities

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DETROIT, July 16, 2024 — The Michigan Gaming Control Board (MGCB) has strongly refuted recent assertions questioning the legitimacy of its concerted efforts to shield citizens from the rise of illegal gambling activities within the state.

In particular, the focus has been on the burgeoning presence of casino-style electronic gaming machines that claim to be “skill games.”

MGCB’s commitment to protecting citizens

The MGCB remains steadfast in its mission to ensure that Michigan’s gaming environment is safe and legally compliant. In light of recent criticisms, the Board has reiterated that these electronic gaming machines fall under its regulatory purview.

Clamping down on illegal gambling

Illegal gambling activities undermine the state’s efforts to promote a fair and transparent gaming ecosystem. The MGCB is committed to cracking down on unauthorized gambling operations, which often masquerade as “skill games” to skirt regulatory oversight.

What are “skill games”?

“Skill games” are electronic gaming machines that mimic traditional casino games but claim to operate based on player skill rather than chance. However, the MGCB has clarified that many of these machines are designed to simulate chance-based gambling, making them illegal under state law.

Ensuring compliance

The MGCB has continuously stressed the importance of compliance with Michigan’s stringent gambling laws. Operators of these so-called “skill games” are urged to seek proper licensing and adhere to state regulations to avoid potential legal repercussions.

Collaboration with law enforcement

To combat these illegal activities effectively, the MGCB is working in close collaboration with local and state law enforcement agencies. Their combined efforts aim to identify and dismantle unlawful gaming operations swiftly.

Public awareness & education

The Michigan Gaming Control Board also places a strong emphasis on public awareness and education. Ensuring that Michigan’s citizens are well-informed about the differences between legal and illegal gambling activities is a critical aspect of the Board’s strategy.

Looking ahead

As the landscape of gaming continues to evolve, the MGCB remains committed to adapting its strategies and regulations. The Board’s pledge is to maintain a legal, fair, and enjoyable gaming experience for all Michigan residents.

By addressing issues head-on and refuting false claims, the MGCB aims to strengthen trust and uphold the integrity of Michigan’s gaming industry.

In recent years, Michigan has seen a notable rise in the presence of electronic gaming machines in bars and restaurants. These machines, often presented as entertainment, have become a point of contention.

Suppliers of these devices argue that they qualify as ‘redemption games’ under MCL 750.310b, a claim that Michigan Gaming Control Board (MGCB) has consistently disputed. The MGCB’s findings illustrate that these machines don’t meet the legal criteria for redemption games.

Electronic gaming machines: a growing concern

Michigan’s hospitality venues have increasingly adopted electronic gaming machines, hoping to attract more patrons. However, the legality of these games has come under scrutiny, particularly concerning their classification under state law.

The suppliers’ misleading claims

Suppliers of these machines argue that they conform to the definition of redemption games as outlined in Michigan’s MCL 750.310b. Under this statute, redemption games are legal and allow players to win non-cash prizes or tokens.

The MGCB’s stance

The Michigan Gaming Control Board has examined these claims and found them to be unfounded. According to the MGCB, these electronic games do not adhere to the requirements for redemption games specified by law.

The MGCB’s evaluations suggest that these machines are more akin to illegal gambling devices rather than the arcade-style games they are purported to be. This finding puts bars and restaurants at risk of legal repercussions if they continue to offer such gaming options.

Businesses that incorporate these questionable gaming machines could face significant penalties. The MGCB stresses that bar and restaurant owners should heed their warnings and remove any non-compliant machines to avoid possible fines or other legal consequences.

In conclusion, the rise of electronic gaming machines in Michigan’s bars and restaurants has sparked considerable debate. With the MGCB firmly contesting suppliers’ claims, establishments must verify the legality of their gaming options to ensure compliance with Michigan law.

The Michigan Gaming Control Board (MGCB) has recently uncovered alarming details in their ongoing investigations into certain gaming operations. The findings indicate that these games function much like traditional slot machines, but with a twist: they are engaging in unlawful practices. These include issuing cash prizes and making misleading claims about their legality.

Illegal practices in gaming

According to the MGCB, the primary issue is that these games mimic the operational mechanics of slot machines. This similarity alone would not be problematic if not for the illicit activities tied to them. The investigation has found two major illegal practices:

  • Issuance of cash prizes;
  • False claims regarding their legality;

It’s critical to distinguish between these illicit games and legal slot machines found in regulated casinos. Below is a comparative table illustrating some key differences:

Aspect Illegal Games Legal Slot Machines
Regulation Unregulated Regulated by MGCB
Prizes Cash Prizes (Illegal) Regulated Payouts
Legality Claims False Transparent and Legal

Future preventative measures

Going forward, the Michigan Attorney General’s Office plans to continue robust surveillance and crackdowns on illegal gambling. Future operations will focus on both identifying new threats and preventing the resurgence of illegal activities.

By maintaining a proactive approach, authorities aim to foster a secure and regulated gaming environment that benefits both the players and the state’s economy.

Unregulated casino machines pose significant risks to users, lacking essential consumer safeguards. Without proper regulation, these machines can easily engage in unfair practices, putting users at a considerable disadvantage and jeopardizing their financial well-being.

One of the most alarming issues surrounding unregulated machines is the ease with which minors can access them. In regulated environments, stringent measures are in place to prevent underage individuals from gambling. However, unregulated machines often lack robust verification systems, making it easier for minors to engage in gambling activities.

Minors who access these unregulated machines are at a higher risk of developing gambling problems. The absence of responsible gambling measures, such as self-exclusion programs and age verification, exacerbates this risk. Young minds are particularly vulnerable to the allure of gambling, and early exposure can lead to problematic gambling behaviors later in life.

Fairness is another critical aspect that is often compromised in unregulated machines. Regulated machines are subject to rigorous testing and certification processes to ensure they operate fairly and transparently. In contrast, unregulated machines may employ algorithms or mechanisms designed to disadvantage the player, leading to unjust outcomes and significant losses.

Furthermore, the lack of regulatory oversight means that there is often no recourse for players who feel they have been treated unfairly. In a regulated environment, players have access to dispute resolution mechanisms and can seek remediation if they believe they have been wronged. In the unregulated realm, users are left to fend for themselves, with little hope of seeking justice.

To protect consumers and minimize the risks associated with gambling, it is crucial to advocate for stronger regulations and oversight of casino machines. This will ensure a safer environment for all users, particularly minors, and uphold the integrity of the gambling industry.

In conclusion, unregulated casino machines represent a significant threat to consumers due to the lack of safeguards and potential for unfair practices. Minors are especially vulnerable to the risks posed by these machines, making it imperative to enforce stricter regulations and protect users from the associated dangers.

The Michigan Gaming Control Board (MGCB) has taken proactive steps to curb the spread of illegal gambling by providing educational materials to businesses and highlighting the illegality of certain gaming machines. Despite these efforts, misinformation persists, leading to the continued proliferation of unauthorized gambling activities.

MGCB’s educational initiatives

The MGCB has diligently distributed a variety of educational resources to businesses, aiming to clarify the legalities surrounding gambling machines. These resources include detailed guides, informational brochures, and easily accessible online content.

Common misconceptions

Despite the board’s efforts, several common misconceptions about these gaming machines continue to circulate:

  • Belief that all gaming machines are lawful if operated in private establishments;
  • Mistaken idea that certain machines don’t qualify as gambling devices;
  • Assumption that lack of monetary exchange renders a machine legal;

Consequences of illegal gambling

The spread of false information has not only jeopardized the integrity of lawful businesses but also poses significant legal risks. Businesses found operating illegal gambling machines can face severe penalties, including substantial fines and potential criminal charges.

To provide better clarity, here is a comparison table of penalties for legal and illegal operations:

Action Legal Consequences
Operating Legal Machines No Penalties
Operating Illegal Machines Fines up to $100,000 and potential imprisonment

How to report illegal gambling

The MGCB encourages anyone witnessing illegal gambling activities to report them immediately. Reports can be made anonymously through the MGCB website or directly via their hotline.

Contact information

  • Website: www.michigan.gov/mgcb;
  • Hotline: 1-800-222-8477;
  • Email: mgcbinfo@michigan.gov;


It is crucial for business owners to stay informed about the legalities of gambling machines. Misinformation not only endangers their operations but also contributes to the spread of illegal gambling. By utilizing MGCB’s educational materials and adhering to regulations, businesses can operate within the legal framework and help combat illegal gambling.

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Stue Temoha is an expert writer with a profound passion for gambling and online gaming. With a career spanning over a decade, Stue has established himself as a trusted authority in the industry, offering deep insights into casinos, sports betting, poker, and the latest trends in online gambling. His writing is distinguished by meticulous research, clear analysis, and an engaging narrative style that demystifies complex concepts for readers of all levels. Stue's articles are a go-to resource for detailed reviews, strategic advice, and up-to-date industry trends, helping both novice and experienced gamblers navigate the dynamic gaming landscape.
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