Ex-Kizzang CEO and high roller in Vegas faces punishment for gambling fraud

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Robert Alexander, the founder of the online gaming company Kizzang, and a well-known figure in Las Vegas, is scheduled to receive his sentencing on January 14, 2024. Alexander has admitted to swindling investors out of more than $1.3 million through fraudulent activities that have raised awareness about the inherent risks within the gaming industry.

Details of the fraudulent activities

Alexander’s misconduct came to light after a thorough investigation revealed the extent of his deceit. The fraudulent activities highlighted the vulnerabilities within the online gaming market, where unsavory practices can easily undermine investor confidence. His case underscores the importance of stringent regulatory measures to protect investors and maintain the integrity of the industry.

Impact on the gaming industry

The revelations about Alexander’s actions have sent shockwaves through the gaming community, prompting calls for better oversight and more robust checks and balances. The case has become a cautionary tale for both investors and entrepreneurs within the industry, illustrating the potential pitfalls of inadequate due diligence and the need for transparent business practices.

What’s next for Kizzang?

As Alexander awaits his sentencing, the future of Kizzang remains uncertain. The company’s reputation has been significantly tarnished, and it faces an uphill battle to regain trust and credibility. The gaming industry will be closely watching the outcome of this case, which may set a precedent for how similar situations are handled in the future.

Founder of Kizzang misuses investor funds for personal gains

In a startling turn of events, Alexander, the man behind the inception of Kizzang in 2013, faces severe criticism and legal scrutiny. Kizzang, a company known for offering free online games and contests, has seen its reputation crumble due to Alexander’s mismanagement of investor funds.

Established with the promise to revolutionize the online gaming world, Kizzang attracted substantial investments from numerous stakeholders. However, confidence turned to dismay when it was revealed that Alexander had diverted a significant portion of these funds for his personal indulgences.

Lavish lifestyle at the expense of investors

Reports indicate that Alexander used investor money for lavish casino visits, extravagant living arrangements, and other personal luxuries. These actions have not only breached investor trust but have also resulted in severe financial losses for those who believed in Kizzang’s potential.

Financial impact on investors

The misuse of funds has led to monumental financial setbacks for the investors. Many had high hopes tied to Kizzang’s success, only to watch their investments squandered on Alexander’s opulent lifestyle. This betrayal has shaken the foundations of trust and ethics in the investment community.

The legal repercussions for Alexander are severe. Authorities are investigating the full extent of the financial misuse, and it is anticipated that justice will be served. The case serves as a stern reminder to investors about the importance of due diligence and the need for stringent oversight in financial dealings.

As the dust settles, the impact of Alexander’s actions on Kizzang’s future remains uncertain. Investors and stakeholders hope that the company can recover and rebuild its reputation, adhering to the principles of transparency and ethical management going forward.

This incident underscores the critical importance of trust and integrity in the world of online gaming and investment. The industry watches closely, hoping that lessons learned from Kizzang’s downfall will lead to a more secure and trustworthy future.

In January 2020, Alexander, a significant figure in the gambling industry, admitted guilt to multiple fraud charges. He confessed to orchestrating a deceitful scheme aimed at misleading investors about the rapid growth of Kizzang’s gaming business. Instead of utilizing the funds for business expansion, Alexander redirected the money for his own personal gain.

Details of the fraud scheme

  • Misrepresentation: Alexander exaggerated the financial health and growth prospects of Kizzang;
  • Diversion of Funds: Instead of investing in business development, he misused investor funds for personal luxury;
  • False Reporting: He provided falsified reports to maintain investor confidence;

Timeline of events

Date Event
January 2020 Pleaded guilty to multiple fraud charges
February 2020 Sentencing delayed due to claimed health issues
March 2020 Further investigation revealed additional misused funds

Impact on investors

  • Financial Losses: Investors suffered significant financial losses due to the misappropriation of funds;
  • Loss of Trust: The fraudulent actions led to a severe loss of trust in Kizzang and its leadership;
  • Legal Repercussions: Investors sought legal action to recover their investments;

Alexander’s sentencing has been postponed multiple times, with the latest delay attributed to his claimed health issues. This ongoing saga has highlighted the risks and challenges associated with investing in the highly volatile gambling industry.

The repercussions of Alexander’s fraudulent actions extend beyond his individual case, prompting calls for stricter regulations and oversight in the online gaming industry.

Increased scrutiny on industry practices

The spotlight on his misconduct has raised concerns among investors and watchdogs, emphasizing the need for transparency and accountability to prevent future frauds.

Investor concerns and protections

Amidst growing scrutiny, investors are increasingly worried about the potential risks associated with online gaming platforms. Instances like Alexander’s fraudulent activities heighten the urgency for enhanced regulation to protect stakeholders’ interests.

Regulatory responses

In response to these concerns, regulatory bodies are being urged to implement comprehensive oversight measures. These steps could involve mandated audits, stricter compliance requirements, and real-time monitoring to ensure the legitimacy of gaming operations.

Watchdog organizations’ role

Watchdog organizations play a crucial role in bringing such fraudulent activities to light. Their efforts in investigating and reporting misconduct can act as a deterrent to potential fraudsters and offer an additional layer of security for the industry.

Long-term industry impact

The long-term impact of Alexander’s actions serves as a cautionary tale. It highlights the vulnerabilities in the current system and underscores the need for an industry-wide commitment to ethical practices.

Future preventative measures

Experts advocate for a multi-faceted approach to prevent future frauds. Suggested measures include implementing advanced fraud detection technologies, fostering a culture of transparency, and strengthening consumer protection frameworks.


As the online gaming industry continues to evolve, the lessons learned from Alexander’s case could drive significant changes. By prioritizing transparency and robust oversight, the industry can build a more secure and trustworthy environment for all stakeholders.

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Dawson Bennett is a seasoned journalist with over a decade of experience covering the casino and sports industries. His extensive knowledge of these sectors makes him a trusted expert for readers seeking advice and insights. Whether you're looking for the latest developments in the sports or gambling world, Dawson provides valuable guidance to help you make informed decisions. He offers tips on selecting high-quality casinos and stays on top of trends and events in the sports industry, ensuring you have the best possible experience.
  • It’s disheartening to see such a breach of trust and ethics in the gaming industry, a sector that thrives on innovation and loyalty. Alexander’s case should serve as a wake-up call for stricter regulations and oversight to protect investors and maintain the integrity of the industry.

  • It’s disheartening to hear about Robert Alexander’s fraudulent activities and the impact it has had on the investors and the gaming industry at large. This case is a stark reminder of the need for due diligence and stronger regulatory oversight to protect against such unethical practices. It’s critical for the industry to learn from this incident and implement more stringent measures to prevent future occurrences.

  • This case is a stark reminder of the importance of transparency and the need for stringent oversight in the gaming industry. It’s disheartening to see the trust of investors and the integrity of the industry compromised by such fraudulent actions. Hopefully, this serves as a turning point for stronger regulations and ethical practices moving forward.

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