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organizational capability mentoring

Evolve is a ’one stop shop' youth service in central Wellington. Evolve provides free and confidential health care, counselling, social work and youth work for young people aged 10-25. Evolve has just celebrated its tenth birthday and the management team are now looking to assess and develop the organisation's capability moving forward.


Action and Impact

As an approved Capability Mentor for the Ministry of Social Development, innovate change is leading the Evolve team in an organisational self-assessment. innovate change is providing support and facilitating the development of evaluation tools and methods to generate ideas and solutions to challenges.

After guiding and assisting Evolve staff with the design, recruitment and dissemination of a series of surveys, innovate change is designing and facilitating workshops to generate and iteratively test ideas that respond to capability challenges. The findings of the organisational capability assessment will be used to develop well-evidenced capability plan, which will present the most viable ideas to help strengthen Evolve's capability to deliver improved results for young people in Wellington.
