Milwaukee Bucks — Brooklyn Nets: Gatsby basketball forecast

Gatsby recommends a forecast for the NBA.

In this forecast we bet that James Harden will distribute more than 9.5 assists in the game that will face the Brooklyn Nets and the Milwaukee Bucks.

The main arguments of the forecast are as follows:

- First game of the NBA season and we have James Harden, one of the best players in the league who averaged 10.9 assists throughout the previous season and who should have a very starring role this season also with all the problems surrounding Irving.

- The Brooklyn Nets, especially in the regular season, were an extremely offensive team and that simply won the games by the individual actions at the offensive level of their stars, this year the normal thing would be that in the regular season the script would be the same and both Harden and Durant will clearly be the two offensive references of this team.The fundamental factor here is that Kyrie Irving is still not vaccinated and as a result of this he will not be able to play, so some specialized journalists have leaked the Nets are already preparing the season without Irving and thus Harden becomes the player who will have to take the direction of the team, something that on the other hand does not pose any problem because he has been doing it in the last year with increíbles.La Harden's season if Irving's loss for the whole year is confirmed it should be monstrous statistically, as I have commented the Nets are a very offensive team and he likes to run a lot so we could see Harden being one of the top scorers and the top assistants in the league, just like last year they have surrounded him with good shooters so that if the defenses throw him help he can bend balls for free throws to men like Harris, Mills or Durant and he can put balls inside Griffin or Claxton who are finishers near the end of the year. hoop.I think that the line that we are going to see this season for Harden is going to be closer to 11 assists than not to the one that they propose to us for today, so I think we have to take advantage of it.

In this forecast we bet that Patty Mills will score more than 8.5 points in the game that will face the Brooklyn Nets and the Milwaukee Bucks.

The main arguments of the forecast are as follows:

- First game of the NBA season and we have some Brooklyn Nets who continue to strengthen their offensive arsenal with acquisitions like Patty Mills, a player who when plugged in is a great scorer and I think he can fit in this team quite well, even more so with the minutes that should be given with the loss of Irving.

- The most important issue here is that Kyrie Irving is still unvaccinated and as a result he cannot play so the Brooklyn Nets, according to specialized journalists, are preparing to face the season without one of their stars, this leaves the outside positions a little more uncovered although it is true that Harden is going to assume almost all of the minutes, but anyway Mills' minutes should be around 25 and in a team where defenses are going to be very aware of Harden and Durant the secondary role that Patty Mills can have is very important since he can be that lethal scorer who has already shown that he can be in the situations in which they leave him.To put a reference in the last 5 seasons in the San Antonio Spurs Patty Mills has been able to overcome the line on average in all of them, last season without going any further he finished with 10.8 points on average and the previous one with 11.6 and it must be remembered that the Spurs are a team with a slower offensive pace than the Brooklyn Nets so I think it would be normal for us to see Mills with an average of 11-12 points this season as long as Irving stays off the track.

18+ / Advertising | Responsible Gambling / Fees subject to change
James Harden Over 9.5 assists
18+ / Advertising | Responsible Gambling / Fees subject to change
Patty Mills Over 8.5 points

Passionate about basketball in general and the NBA in particular, I have been analyzing games for 8 years and I have been a Premium Tipster for 4.
I work traveling around New Zealand watching ACB, LEB Oro, LEB Plata and Liga Femenina games and at night at home I stay up watching the NBA.

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0.0 %
185 / 2 / 170
+544 $
+1.5 %

Passionate about basketball in general and the NBA in particular, I have been analyzing games for 8 years and I have been a Premium Tipster for 4.
I work traveling around New Zealand watching ACB, LEB Oro, LEB Plata and Liga Femenina games and at night at home I stay up watching the NBA.

All the time
Sportsbook: 358
185 / 2 / 170
GNAW: +1.5 %
Will he win this bet?
James Harden Over 9.5 assists Patty Mills Over 8.5 points

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