How pokies work

Can you beat or cheat a modern slot machine? Explore below.

Select your pokie machine

You'll never see them the same way again.

Click on the grey dots below to reveal their inner secrets...

Resetting the machine? Addictive He's looking at you kid Cabinet Rhythm Dopamine Speed Thrilling graphics OK Computer Confused? At your fingertips Reels Losses disguised as wins Too good to be true Buttons galore! Hopper Meters Odds Time is money Insert $1 Skill or chance? Note & Coin Acceptor False patterns Door Alarm Random Coin Tray Comfy chair? In the zone! 

Resetting the machine?

Cashing out a pokie machine and putting the money back in does not reset the machine.

Source retrieved from


Why are pokies so addictive?

Pokies work on the principles of "operant conditioning". The original studies on conditioning were done by B.F. Skinner and involved... rats! A rat was put inside in a box without any outside stimulus. There was a lever (or pedal) in the box. When the rat hit the lever a small pellet of food came out (like a pokie machine and coins). The rat learnt that by pressing the lever it got a treat (which acted as positive reinforcement).

Now came the sneaky part. If every time the rat hit the lever it got a treat, that would be the end of it - it would just hit the lever whenever it was hungry. But that’s not how operant conditioning works. Enter the concept of intermittent reinforcement. Simply put, it meant that the rewards (pellets) were dispensed on a random schedule - sometimes the rat got none, sometimes a few, sometimes a lot of pellets (sounding familiar yet?).

The rat never knew when it was going to get a pellet so it kept pushing that lever, over and over, and over, and over, even if none came out. This is the psychological principle that slot machines operate on and how they can work on you.

SchГјll, N.D., (). Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas, pg. 104. Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 11, )


He's looking at you kid

Often the main graphic on the top box will feature a character with an attractive pair of eyes staring (or winking) right at you. This technique is used by designers to grab your attention and pull you into the machine.

Jackons, B (). Director of Game Development, Bally Technologies. Ka-Ching! Pokie Nation film.
VideosScience (). How Slot Machines Use Psychology and Design to Keep You Coming Back. Retrieved from



This houses the game and comes in a variety of types or themes to keep you interested.

Each machine has been created byВ up to 300 experts (from artists to script writers, mathematicians, marketers, musiciansВ and engineers) and can have more than individual parts!


Can you feel the Rhythm?

Game developers design pokies to keep a rhythmic pace. Each spin carries a degree of risk for the player, but a steady tempo of clicks and music gives an illusion of predictability. A constant soothing tempo can give the player an impression that they have a degree of control over the machine when they really don't.

SchГјll, N.D., (). Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas, pg. 54. Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 11, )


Did you say Dopamine?

Dopamine is a chemical in your brain that helps to create an expectation of future rewards. Dopamine neurons light up when they spot a pattern that could lead to pleasure. Dopamine is useful for signalling things that may be good for us. For example, dopamine levels spike if we get a surprise like an unexpected compliment from someone we like, or when we get a bite on a fishing line.В 

Conversely, when there are no patterns or hopes for a future reward, dopamine levels will drop and we lose interest.В 

But pokie machines can distort our expectations. The graphics and sounds give the impression that we are always on the verge of winning. This keeps our dopamine neurons in an artificial state of stimulation. This false sense of expectation prevents some players from stopping even though they really should.

Did you know that when the brain of a pokies addict is scanned while playing a pokie machine we actually see dopamine neurons light up in the same way as a person with a cocaine addiction? When dopamine is overstimulated, we start to crave activities that aren't always in our best interests.

Huettel, S (). Behavioural Economics: When Psychology and Economics collide. The Great Courses, Duke University. Lecture 3.
Breiter H.C., Aharon I., Kahneman D., Dale A., Shizgal P., (). Functional imaging of neural responses to expectancy and experience of monetary gains and losses. Retreived from
SchГјll, N.D., (). Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas, pg. 268. Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 11, )


Speed is not your friend.

You can play pokies much faster than other types of gambling. You don't have to wait for horses to run, a dealer to shuffle or deal, or a roulette wheel to stop spinning. As players grow in experience, there can be a tendency to increase the speed of play. However, unlike other skill based games, speed of play is not a sign of mastery. It just means you are likely to lose faster.

Designers have come to realise that forcing gamblers to play faster or slower than their natural tempo creates frustration. To get around this some machines are sophisticated enough to adjust their tempos to match the player's preferred groove.

Mcrone, J. (). Spinning and Losing: the reality of pokies, The Press. Retrieved from


Video screen graphics - if looks could thrill!

Pokie machines are tailored with different graphics to appeal to different players. Whether the theme is motor racing, farming, adventure or fantasy, the animations play like "mini movies" - pulling you into the world of the pokie machine.

Jackons, B (). Director of Game Development, Bally Technologies. Ka-Ching! Pokie Nation film.


OK Computer

All games start their lives as a spreadsheet, and that's basically what you are playing. The computer/microprocessor behind the scenes generates random numbers all the time, even when the machine is not being played.

The random number generator (RNG) comes up with approximately combinations per second. When the player presses "play" or "start"В the software "polls" the RNG, selecting whichever numbers it happens to be cycling through at that exact moment. These generated numbers, of which there are typically between one-to-four billion possibilities, are then fed through a set of rules that converts them into stops on the microprocessor's "virtual reel".В 

It doesn't matter what the previous outcomes of the machine were. Each button push is completely independent of the last one.

SchГјll, N.D., (). Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas, pg. 82. Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 11, )


Confused by multi-line betting?

You're not the only one! Old school pokie machines had only one payline. New machines allow you to bet on more than one payline at a time. These paylines may run horizontally across the screen, diagonally or even in zig zags!В 

In , some machines introduced 50 paylines. In they introduced 100 lines! This complexity makes it difficult (some would say impossible) for players to keep track of the logic of winning. If you choose to play multi-lines, the odds are that the games will pay out more frequently but usually for less than the amount of the initial bet. This gives you the sense that you are winning all the time. But are you really? You're putting in $2 and getting back $1.50. You're putting in $4 and getting back $2.50, over and over.

SchГјll, N.D., (). Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas, pg. 125. Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 11, )


At your fingertips

Machine designers space out the buttons on the console ergonomically so that you don't even need to move your hand to push the buttons. Incidentally, this results in faster play!

SchГјll, N.D., (). Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas, pg. 54. Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 11, )


The reels aren't real.

It may come as a surprise for some people that there are no mechanical reels spinning around the modern pokie machine. Behind the scenes is a random number generator (RNG) which then uses a program to map onto virtual reels. The stops on the virtual reels are then mapped to reel graphics you see on the video screen.

SchГјll, N.D., (). Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas, pg 82. Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 11, )


Losses disguised as wins

Many of your wins on a modern pokie machine are actually net losses. This is enabled by multi-line betting. For example, you might wager $2 and win back 80 cents, giving you a net loss of $1.20. However, the machine is likely to celebrate that win with positive graphics and sounds.

Harrigan, K. (). Ontario Canada. Ka-Ching! Pokie Nation film.


If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is!

Machines commonly use positive sounding music in a major key to hold your attention. This may lift your spirits and provide an escape from negative thoughts.В 

With a win you're likely to hear coins dropping or people celebrating.... but when there is a loss, there will be no corresponding negative sound. This is because game designers do not want to reinforce a loss that could cause you to rethink how much you are losing and whether or not you should continue to play.

The presence of multiple machines in a venue produces a continuous chatter of winning sounds. These may condition your brain into thinking a win is on its way, even though it's just as unlikely as the last spin.

Munro, C. (). Ex-Poker Machine composer. Ka-Ching! Pokie Nation film.Livingstone, C. (). Monash University. Ka-Ching! Pokie Nation film.


Buttons galore!

A range of buttons allow you to select the number of pay lines and the number of coins you bet on each line. These options give you an interactive experience and can give you the illusion of skill. The truth is that no combination of button pushes will increase your odds of winning.

SchГјll, N.D., (). Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas, pg. 123. Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 11, )



Stores all coins in the machine and releases wins to the coin tray.



Records all game data including how much money is paid in and how much is paid out in winnings.


What are the odds/chances of winning?

The odds of winning the top prize on a pokie machine may vary from 1 in 40 thousand to 1 in 33 million. For example, take the game Black Rhinos – if you are playing one line at a time it would take 6.7 million button presses and cost nearly $330,000 to have a 50% chance of getting five rhinos!

Productivity Commission (), Australia's Gambling industries, report No. 10.


Time is money

Each machine is programmed to take in more that it pays out. So the longer you play, the higher the chances are that you will lose. In other words, you’re likely to be better off playing pokies for 10 minutes than playing for an hour.

Source retrieved from


Insert $1: what can you expect to get back?

Each machine is programmed with a return-to-playerВ rate. The return-to-playerВ is the percentage of your bet you would expect to get back for each spin. The New Zealand Gaming Machine National Standard requires the return-to-player rate in class 4 gaming machines (pokies) to be between 78% and 92%.В 

So for example, if the return was 92%, then on average you could expect to lose around 8% on each spin. The outcome of each spin is random. So in the short term, you could take a bigger win or experience a bigger loss. But on average, if you inserted $1, you could expect to have 66 cents left after 5 spins. The more time you spend playing, the more likely it is that your money will gradually reduce to almost zero.

SchГјll, N.D., (). Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas, pg. 268. Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 11, )
NZCT (). New Zealand's Pub Gaming Industry. Retrieved from


Skill or chance?

Machines are programmed to give you a feeling that there is a degree of skill involved. But in reality, there is no action you can take that will increase your odds of winning on any spin. In short, there are no techniques to trick or cheat it. To illustrate, you may have a feeling that you have control over the machine because:

  • you get to decide how many credits you’re wagering
  • you get to decide how many lines you’re playing
  • you also get to choose exactly when to press the spin button
  • as you spend longer on the machine you may even start to feel a sense of mastery over this process.

In truth, none of these actions give you a greater or lesser chance of winning.В 

Every spin is purely random. If a player gets a small win, this may trigger a range of thinking errors like "my machine is getting hot, I'm going to keep winning", or "I've got the machine figured out now” and “I know what I'm doing now". These thoughts should not be trusted because each outcome is independent of any previous spin.

Remember: machines are never "due" to pay out a larger prize. A machine is no more likely to pay out the larger prize after 1,000,000 spins than it was after 10 spins.

Source retrieved fromГјll, N.D., (). Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas. Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 11, )


Note & Coin Acceptor

Used to insert coins or notes into the machine.

A note validator checks the authenticity of all inserted notes.


False patterns

Your brain is wired to spot patterns. Normally this works in our favour because it helps us make everyday decisions. We can often spot the best waves at the beach before they break, and we can choose the best time to drive to work based on what's happened in the past.

But when playing pokies, this strength becomes our weakness. The outcome of each spin is random, meaning past spins don't have any bearing on the result of future spins.

Your brain may start spotting patterns that don't exist!

Huettel, S (). Behavioural Economics: When Psychology and Economics collide. The Great Courses, Duke University. Lecture 3.


Door Alarm

A sound to alert staff to a door on the machine being opened.


That’s random

To find out how randomness works, check out this video.


Coin Tray

Collect refunded or winning coins from the coin tray.


Comfy chair?

Players who are physically and psychologically comfortable will occupy their seats for longer periods of time. This encourages you to gamble for longer and risk losing more money.

SchГјll, N.D., (). Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas. Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 11, )


In the zone!

Ever felt like you are in the zone, where nothing else matters except for what you are doing at that very moment?В 

Sportspeople, musicians and racing car drivers sometimes talk about getting in the zone, where they experience a “perfect flow”. The sights, sounds and motion of a pokie machine can produce a similar effect. It can feel like time, space, monetary value, and social responsibilities are suspended. Many pokie players talk about getting in the zone (also known as "suspended animation").

The zone can be very powerful. Las Vegas casinos have recorded video footage of slot machine gamblers who continue to play, while failing to notice a man lying on the floor next to them who has had a heart attack. Their eyes remain glued to the machines even as the man begins to receive first aid and defibrillator shocks. Another video shows gamblers so absorbed in play that they fail to notice rising flood waters lapping at their feet or fire alarms blaring in their ears.

Pokie machines are designed to be very absorbing. While this can be entertaining, it pays to be careful and not lose sight of your surroundings. Make a plan for how much time and money you want to spend, and stick to it. Take regular breaks and remember, the more time you play, the more you are likely to lose.

SchГјll, N.D., (). Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas, pgs 34 and chapter 7. Princeton University Press; Reprint edition (May 11, )


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Every machine will ALWAYS take in more money than it pays out, that’s its whole purpose.

Many gamblers wrongly think if they sit at the same machine or if they haven’t won for a while that they are due for a win or that machine is due to pay out. Jackpot rates are based upon hundreds of thousands or even millions of spins, so they don’t reflect what will happen on a particular day in a particular venue. Every spin is random. The machine doesn’t take into account how long you’ve been sitting there or how much money you’ve put in.

On top of this, machines give the impression that you have almost won - so you keep playing. A loss is a loss and the symbols displayed above or below the payline have nothing to do with how close you were to winning the jackpot.


Are free spins really free?

Free spins are another feature of machines to keep you interested by making you think you’re getting close to a bigger win. They give you the feeling that you are doing better than you really are. Small wins like free spins are designed to keep you playing for longer with the aim of returning the most money to the pokie owner.



Are you really winning?

And then there’s false wins. For example - this is where you may spend $1 per push, and you win back 40 cents. The machine will have lights and sounds that make it seem like you’ve won, when actually you’ve still lost money. Machines will also celebrate any win regardless of the total amount you’ve gambled over the session. More often than not, the total amount spent will be more than you win, so on the whole, you lose.

If you choose to play online pokies, be wary of high payout rates. If they seem too good to be true, they probably are. Most online pokies sites/apps encourage you to give them a go with free trials or lessons. Once they get you hooked, they will invite you to buy real credits. The free trials or practice sessions often to pay out credits more often than the real game. This can lead to false ideas about how often you will win.

Basic Mechanics of Pokies

Random Number Generation (RNG): Pokies use a computerized system known as a Random Number Generator to determine the outcome of each spin. This system ensures that each spin is independent of the previous one and that outcomes are completely random.

Paylines and Reels: Most pokies have multiple reels and paylines. Paylines are the lines on which a payout will be awarded based on winning combinations. The number of paylines varies from machine to machine.

Symbols and Winning Combinations: Each pokie has a set of symbols, and the aim is to match these symbols on the paylines. Higher value symbols yield higher payouts.

How to win on the pokies

  1. Choose Higher Value Pokies: Higher value online pokies tend to have higher payout percentages. This means they return more money to the players over time, although they also involve higher risks per spin. It’s important to choose these games only if your bankroll can support the higher bets.
  2. Maximize Your Bets: Especially when playing pokies with a progressive jackpot or bonus features, betting the maximum can increase your chances of triggering these lucrative options. Remember, this strategy increases the risk, so it should be balanced with your budget.
  3. Simplify Your Game Selection: Complex pokies with many features, paylines, and bonuses often have lower odds of winning compared to simpler games. The simpler the game, typically, the higher the odds.
  4. Understand the Random Number Generator (RNG): Pokies operate on RNGs, which ensure each spin is random and independent. Understanding this can help you make informed decisions and not fall for myths like 'hot' or 'cold' machines.
  5. Consider the Volatility of the Pokies: Low volatility pokies offer more frequent but smaller payouts, while high volatility pokies offer larger but less frequent payouts. Your choice should align with your playing style and patience level.
  6. Use Free Spins and Promotions: These allow you to try out pokies without risking your own money, and they're also a great way to understand a game's volatility and features.
  7. Study the Payout Table: This can be found in the slot machine’s ‘Help’ or ‘Rules’ section and includes vital information about symbols, winning combinations, and bonus features. Understanding this can help you choose pokies that suit your budget and playing style.
  8. Set a Betting Limit and Stick to It: It's important to manage your bankroll responsibly and avoid chasing losses. Setting limits for both wins and losses can prevent excessive spending.
  9. Pay Attention to Special Bonuses: Many casinos offer bonuses like free spins, deposit bonuses, and cashback, which can enhance your playing budget. Always read the terms and conditions associated with these bonuses.
  10. Read Reviews and Learn from Others: Checking out reviews and player experiences can provide insights into the best pokies and strategies to use. Just ensure you are getting information from reliable sources.

Advanced Mechanics of Pokies

1. Volatility and Variance:

  • Volatility: This refers to how risky a pokie machine is. High volatility machines pay out less frequently but offer higher payouts. Low volatility machines pay out more often, but the payouts are smaller.
  • Variance: Closely related to volatility, it indicates the kind of ride players can expect. High variance means more significant swings in your bankroll.

2. Return to Player (RTP):

  • RTP: It's a term used to describe the percentage of all the wagered money a machine will pay back to players over time. For example, an RTP of 90% means the machine will pay back 90 cents for every dollar it takes in over a long period.

3. Progressive Jackpots:

  • These are jackpots that increase every time the game is played but the jackpot is not won. They can be local (confined to one machine) or networked across multiple machines.

The Nuances of Online Pokies

Online pokies have become increasingly popular in New Zealand. They offer several advantages and differences compared to traditional pokies:

1. Accessibility and Variety:

  • Online platforms provide a vast array of pokies, often with more creative themes and innovative gameplay features than their land-based counterparts.

2. Higher RTPs:

  • Generally, online pokies have higher RTPs compared to physical machines, partly due to lower overhead costs for online casinos.

3. Bonus Features and Promotions:

  • Online pokies often come with attractive bonus features, free spins, and promotional offers, enhancing the player's chances of winning.

4. Regulation and Fairness:

  • Like physical machines, online pokies in New Zealand are regulated to ensure fairness. They use RNGs, and independent bodies frequently audit them for fairness.

Strategies and Tips for Playing Pokies

While pokies are primarily games of chance, a few strategies can enhance the playing experience:

  1. Budget Management: Always set a budget before playing and stick to it. This helps in managing potential losses and ensures responsible gambling.
  2. Understanding Paytables: Familiarize yourself with the paytables to understand the most lucrative symbols and combinations.
  3. Choosing the Right Machine: Opt for machines with higher RTPs and lower volatility if you prefer regular, smaller wins.

The Reality of Gambling Addiction

Expert gamblers understand the risk of addiction. In New Zealand, there are numerous support systems in place, including helplines and counseling services. It's crucial to recognize the signs of problem gambling, like chasing losses or gambling beyond one's means, and seek help promptly.

In New Zealand there is one pokie machine for every 211 people

On average each machine will take $125 out of its players pockets every day of the year.

Scary numbers

  • The NZ ratio of pokies to people in well-off areas is 1 to 465, but the ratio of pokies to people in poorer areas is 1 to 76!
  • On some cruise ships there is one pokie machine per five passengers!
  • If all the money that went into pokie machines was in two dollar coins, the annual total would weighВ nearly as much as two Titanics!

Did you know?

  • A pokie near-miss will trigger the same areas in your brain as if you had really won. These are also the same areas which are involved in drug addiction!
  • No matter what you do to a pokie machine, you cannot change what it is programmed to do. A pokie machine is a computer designed to take in more money than it pays out; there is no skill or trick to cheat it.

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  • Guide to casino games

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